Jan 29, 2013


     A good friend of mine asked me to do her senior photos this year, and we braved the afternoon heat to take some photos of her doing ballet. She is a very talented ballerina, and a beautiful person too! We were both super sweaty by the end of the session, but it was a blast. :)

Jan 26, 2013


Taken on a chilly evening last month on the beautiful west coast.

Jan 16, 2013


hazy blue skies
color everywhere...
hurrah for broken habits (look at those lovely nails!) and verses memorized in foreign languages
line-dried laundry (it's over rated.)

crooked picture frames

Today has been a good day. Nothing special, nothing too out of the ordinary. Took some not-so spectacular photos, but hey, creativity comes and goes! Read books in Bible class instead of the usual discussion. Also made resolutions:
  • Conquer Precalcus. It shall not prevail!
  • Blog twice a week, even when I have nothing to blog.
  • Take photos every day, even when I lack inspiration.
 And here's to a wonderful 2013!